Yoga for gas: Gastric problems are extremely common among all age groups especially adults and old age adults. There are times when you feel bloated, discomforting and uncomfortable when the gas is trapped inside your stomach.
Many lifestyle habits are responsible for this problem. Although it is a common problem, you can practise some lifestyle habits that can improve your gastric problems. Yoga is a long term solution to your stomach problems.
Whether it’s gas, acidity or constipation, yoga is great for leading a healthy lifestyle. Some yoga poses help you release air while relaxing your body. If you are constantly suffering from gas problems, a good diet with yoga might be the cure for you!
Read on to find out how yoga for gas problems might help you!
Yoga for Gas Relief
It is common to have a big meal or overeat and feel bloated. It can be uncomfortable and even painful sometimes. Keeping your stomach health in good condition is key to preventing discomfort and pain associated with it.
Excessive gas can leave you feeling heavy, lazy and in pain. Farting is a natural process but sometimes excessive gas in the body may cause pain and leave you bloated. Certain eating and lifestyle habits may be responsible for your stomach troubles.
Yoga for gas problems can help you get better as yoga is a one-stop solution for an overall healthy stomach. You can try yoga for gas problems, it may help you stay fit and healthy. Here’s a list of some of the best yoga positions to relieve gas:
Wind-Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana)
As the name suggests, this is one of the best positions to relieve gas. This pose will help you relax and calm your abdomen, hips, thighs and your butt. This pose may ultimately help you release the excess gas from your stomach.
Here’s how to do this yoga for gas problems:
- On the floor or a yoga mat, lie on the back and straighten up your legs to 90 degrees.
- Now, bend the knees and bring your thighs to your abdomen.
- Make sure your ankles and knees are together.
- Take your arms around the legs and clasp your hands together.
- Push your neck up and tuck your chin in your chest.
- Hold this for 20 seconds and slowly increase the duration for up to 1 minute and relax!
Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)
This posture resembles that of a joyful little baby. It helps stretch your inner groin and the lower back. It is a promising yoga for gas problems. It can also help you relieve stress by relaxing your mind.
Also read: Tips For Debloating!
Here’s how to do this yoga posture:
- Lie on your back and bend your knees on one side of your body (your soles facing the ceiling)
- Straighten your back along the floor. (Make sure not to roll back towards your shoulders).
- Bring your hands outside of your legs and use them to pull your legs down.
- Press your hands through the feet to create pressure.
- Hold this position for up to 1 minute and relax.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Bridge pose is a relaxing yet intense yoga poses for stretching out your hip, glutes and lower back. This pose helps in blood flow, making you feel relaxed and energised. This may gradually help you with your stomach problems only if you consistently perform this yoga pose.
Here’s how to do it:
- Lie on the floor and bend the knees.
- Keep the arms on the sides of your body and your feet straight on the floor.
- Now, push your hips up, giving your chest a huge stretch.
- You can hold this pose with one hip up then take five breaths.
- Switch the side and repeat this may help you with digestion.
Garland Pose (Malasana)
This yoga posture initiates a downward activity, enabling the gas to leave the body. This pose puts gentle compression on the abdomen and helps to massage the internal organs. This may ultimately help you with gastric problems.
Here’s how to do it:
- In the squat position, go down through your pinky toes edges of your feet and open up your inner thighs.
- Bring your hands to the centre, near the chest and use your elbows to push your knees out wider.
- Drop your tailbone and straighten up your spine.
- Gently bring the chin back towards the middle of the body.
Marjariasana (Cat Pose)
This pose is usually performed with the cow pose. It helps you strengthen your back muscles, shoulders, arms and wrists. It also improves blood circulation, core strength and relieves stress and tension. If you suffer from acidity or gas problems as it improves digestive health.
Here’s how to do it:
- In the tabletop position, making sure your knees and below the hips and your wrists.
- While you exhale, round your spine towards the ceiling while keeping your body intact.
- Push your head towards the floor but do not force your chin to your chest.
- Inhale and come back to the tabletop position again.
Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
This is popular and deemed to be one of the most beneficial yoga poses. This simple pose helps you stretch your whole body. This can relax your body and relieves stress, ultimately improving your digestion.
Here’s how to do this pose:
- Sit on the floor and bring your legs in front of you.
- Now, keep your back straight and slowly hinge forward and lower your torso.
- Hold this position for five to ten deep breaths.
Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
A chair pose is a great yoga pose for building up energy and working your whole body to the maximum. This may help activate your whole digestive system, improving your digestive functioning.
Here’s how to do it:
- Bring your feet together and bend your knees.
- Drop your hips down and bring your hands to the centre to form a chair pose.
- Squeeze your inner thighs and pull your lower belly in and lift your hands to the ceiling/sky.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds.
These were some easy to do yoga for gas problems. If you suffer from a bloated stomach, make sure to eat the right food and be physically active to get rid of it!
Also read: Yoga Asanas For Diabetes