If you have that Rapunzel hair, you probably know how hard it is to take care of. Long hair problems, right? It’s beautiful to look at but hard to take care of…there’s a lot of hair to deal with.
So how are you going to deal with those long hair problems? Sounds like you need some tips to manage your long hair. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Obviously, it can be a chore sometimes with hair so long, but it’s really rewarding and looks amazing.
Tips To Manage Your Long Hair
The first thing you need to realize is that your long hair has different needs from regular hair. You need to treat it differently from the way you used to when your hair was shorter and at a more manageable length.
1. Cut your hair more often
This is particularly important if you style your hair a lot, or even if you color your hair. Don’t wait too long between haircuts as you would before. Get a slight trim every other month, to prevent split end issues. Don’t cut off more than half an inch at a go, your hair will still be more or less the same length.
2. Be careful when you comb
Don’t just run a comb through your hair and rush out the door. Comb your hair carefully because long hair is prone to tangles. Use a wide-tooth comb and start from the bottom, and then work your way through your whole length of hair. Make sure you comb out all the knots. Try not to brush your hair wet, but you must, then use a detangling spray first.
3. Follow a proper diet
Obviously, what you eat has an effect on your body, and if you’re experiencing problems with your hair, this could also be due to the fact that you’re not eating right. Make sure you get enough protein, which helps speed up hair growth and encourages hair strength. Eat coconut and dry fruit for hair volume, and also eat plenty of vegetables. Vitamins also play a huge role in hair health. Also, you need to drink water regularly to keep everything hydrated. If you don’t follow a good diet, you might find your hair thinning and experience a lot of hair fall, which is a potential disaster when you’ve got such long hair.
4. Tie it up when traveling
The longer your hair gets, the more fragile it is, especially the ends. Tie it up during workouts and when you’re out and about to prevent it from getting worn and dirty. Also, try to keep it covered when you’re out in the sun.
Manage Your Long HairYou also need to consider what products you’re putting in your long hair. Make sure they’re conducive to hair health. Also, your hair care regime is very important.
5. Get scalp treatments
If you treat your scalp right, your hair health will definitely improve and you’ll have less breakage and more nourished long locks. Try using a serum or a scalp care shampoo to massage into your roots. Try to massage your scalp for at least a minute or two, as it will help stimulate blood circulation and just make your hair more healthy overall.
6. Use a bit of volumizer
Here’s a long hair secret: because long hair is quite heavy, it can make your roots look a bit flat. So try and rub in just a tiny bit of a lightweight volumizer to give your hair a bit of oomph.
7. Use the right products
If you’re having problems with your hair, try to use products that specifically target long hair. Use shampoos and moisturizers for long hair, and try to go for lightweight products which aren’t loaded with unnecessary ingredients. Try to search for shampoos and moisturizers for long hair which can hydrate and help protect your hair from heat and damage. You can also try some extra things to maintain your long tresses.
8. Take hair vitamins
Another long hair secret: take supplements which help with hair growth and make your hair grow a lot faster. There are even supplements that can stop hair thinning and make your hair grow thicker. Obviously, you should consult your doctor before you take anything.
Manage Your Long Hair9. Wear loose styles
Ponytails are a popular choice but they can pull your hair very tight. You can try loose braids or buns, which won’t cause your hair to get worn as easily.
So there you go, you’re all caught up on how to take care of your long hair now!
Also Read: 6 Haircuts For Long Hair