Throat Chakra
We all have energy centres, or chakras, in our bodies.
In Sanskrit, a chakra is defined as a spinning energy wheel or disc. This energy refers to the nerve bundles and the main organs. Ideally, your chakras remain open and healthy, helping them to work well. But life happens — and, for one purpose or another, our chakras may become unbalanced or blocked. This can cause emotional or physical symptoms linked to a closed chakra.
Hindu and Buddhist traditions claim that the physical and metaphysical come together in the seven chakras. These spinning energy wheels are positioned around the spine. The fifth chakra, the throat or the Vishuddha chakra, is in the area of the throat, chin, spine, mouth, and thyroid.
In Sanskrit, Vishuddha means “very pure.” As the throat chakra controls the mouth, tongue, and neck, it symbolizes communication and the ability to “purely” understand and talk about your inner reality.
The Six Core Chakras
Below are the various core chakras:
1. Root (Muladhara) chakra
Essential for your sense of protection and security, the root chakra is found at the base of your spine.
2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
Situated just below your belly button, the sacred chakra is connected to your creative and sexual energies as well as your emotions.
3. Solar plexus (Manipura) chakra
The solar plexus chakra, centred in your stomach region, plays a role in your self-esteem and trust.
4. Heart (Anahata) chakra
In the middle of your chest, the heart chakra influences your capacity to love and display compassion.
5. Throat (Vishuddha) chakra
Your throat chakra is related to your ability to connect and reveal your inner truth.
6. Third eye (Ajna) chakra
Intuition, gut instinct, and creativity are all connected to the third chakra between your eyes.
The Throat Chakra
Name in Sanskrit: Vishuddha means “pure”
Location: The area of the throat, chin, neck, mouth, and thyroid
Color: The blue color
Elements: Ether (Space)
Signs of balance: Authentic expression is easy and natural.
Signs of imbalance: The throat chakra plays a crucial role in communication, imagination, and self-expression. If there is an imbalance in this chakra, you will find that you have a hard time communicating effectively.
Emotionally, those with a fifth chakra imbalance can be very critical of themselves and others. Trouble turning into the true self, tendency to conceal thoughts and desires from yourself and others, gossip, dominant conversations, trouble listening to others.
Clinically, symptoms could manifest as follows:
8 ways to the opening of the throat chakra
Here are some ways given:
1. Burn Vishuddha with incense and essential oils
Aromatherapy has strong healing powers that tap into the sense of individuality.
Throat ChakraBurn ether incense, essential oils, and candles like frankincense, geranium, jasmine, sage, cypress, peppermint, eucalyptus, clove, tree tea, and lavender to open the throat chakra.
2. Repeat optimistic affirmations
The repetition of assertions sets out the aim to break old trends and create new ones. To open the throat chakra, repeat affirmations relating to honesty and open contact.
Here are a few examples:
- “I connect with you confidently and with ease.”
- “I feel relaxed talking to my subconscious.”
- “In speaking and listening, I’m balanced.”
- “I’m an involved listener.”
- “I speak with ease my true feelings.”
- “I have set strong boundaries.”
By repeating these phrases, we build new patterns of thought, attitudes, and acts that correspond with feelings of honesty and free self-expression.
3. Include the blue in your life
The throat chakra is related to the blue color.
According to certified yoga instructor and master reiki healer Guadalupe Terrones, blue crystals such as lapis lazuli, turquoise, aquamarine, and celestite will help balance your chakra system.
The chakra of the throat regulates sound and echo. Minerals are one of the most powerful ways to work with the throat chakra because each of them has a different resonant frequency.
4. Focus on your breathing
A breathing technique called the lion’s breath is believed to be helpful to the throat chakra. It’s thought to help relieve tension, get rid of toxins, and stimulate the area of your throat and chest.
To practice breathing:
- Inhale through the nose.
- Open your eyes and mouth wide.
- Stick your tongue out, and “roar” your breath out — the breath of your exhalation should be as loud as the roar of a lion.
5. Neck stretches
Stretches that open up the area around your neck can help to stabilize your throat chakra.
Simple neck stretches to help prevent stress and tension from building up in your throat or neck. To make this stretch:
- Lower your chin to the chest.
- Tilt your head back to the left. Keep your shoulders relaxed, and try to turn your head so that your left ear is as close as possible to your left shoulder. You’re going to feel a stretch around the right side of your body.
- Keep your stretch for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat in the opposite direction.
6. Keep your neck aligned with your spine
It is necessary to keep your neck in line with your spine to prevent neck strain and hyperextension.
This is particularly important if you’re doing yoga. Repeating some yoga poses, such as backbends, can increase your chances of neck strain and hyperextension.
7. Using the chakra stones
You may also use throat chakra stones in different shades of blue to help align and unblock a blocked throat chakra.
If you use the stones of the throat chakra is up to you. Some of the choices include:
- Placing one of them on the base of your throat as you rest.
- Wearing them like jewelry
- Wearing them with you while you’re on the road
- Using them as decoration
Throat chakra stones are different shades of blue. These stones shall include:
This blue-green crystal is used to foster mental equilibrium and to defend against negative emotions. The stone is also believed to calm your nervous system down.
The crystal is light blue to green-blue. It’s said to clear your mind, to promote authenticity, and to help you communicate with suppressed emotions.
Turquoise is a blue-green, opaque gemstone. It’s supposed to help you articulate your thoughts.
8. Writing a daily journal
Writing is an excellent method to develop the ability to listen to yourself.
Being quiet and freewriting is a powerful practice to link the heart to the mind — where the throat chakra lives between the body and the mind.