Living alone can often render an exciting experience as one truly can identify oneself as an adult. Living by yourself for the first time is a milestone for many of us. Nonetheless living alone for the first time can also be a challenging life change. Making up one’s mind to live alone can be a big deal. It requires a lot of nerve to undertake such a decision. It is like coming out of the shell of your comfort zone and embracing the world without a filter and becoming responsible for yourself.
The thrill of freedom and an adventurous journey of the unknown that living on your own provides is also followed by becoming accountable and answerable for every action and thing that one will perform. It is also expensive and comes with its own set of pros and cons. Nowadays many women across the world have started to live alone. They are not only successfully facing and solving their economic problems but managing all the while to balance all the hurdles gracefully.
The biggest struggle with living alone is figuring out how to prioritize when things go horrifically wrong and the occasional feeling of having someone else to assist with the tasks necessary to sustain life. The most unpleasant situation is when you will fall sick and desperately want to be around your loved ones yet you will have to cope up the physical as well as mental strain on your own.
Our journey of life is very similar to a river with its own ebbs and flow, its valley and peak. It would be erroneous to think that it will always be filled with sunshine. Sometimes the clouds come but the gift of life is to see the silver linings amidst the clouds. Everything is transient thus it is crucial to know that this too shall pass. Hence you have to remember, stand up and uphold your decision firmly in spite of all the troubles and struggles.
Let’s Get Started
If you have decided to live alone for the first time then it is necessary for you to know and be enlightened with the invisible and unseen obstacles and advantages of the new way of life that you have decided to take up.
There are a few things that you need to keep in mind to get started with perhaps one of the biggest decisions of your life so that you can truly make this episode of your life a jovial, adventurous and never let yourself be low-spirited or feel apologetic about your resolution.
Few things to be remembered are:
- Pay attention in selecting the neighborhood while you are looking for your dream abode. It is absolutely primary and a matter of great importance to get into a secure, safe, cordial neighborhood especially as a woman.
- No matter how much you love your own space and company you never want to feel secluded, isolated and unapproachable all the time. Trust me!!!

- Not all of us want to live alone or have an inborn talent to pull it off in a great way on their own while living alone. Sometimes it can be just a compulsion such as moving out of your parent’s house and settling in a different city for a job or for higher studies or deciding to live alone after a break-up.
- While it can be a once in a lifetime opportunity for some, there might be a few for whom it can be a nightmare as well. Do not worry here at the voice of the woman we have got you covered as well. If you are living alone for the first time it can be a life-changing experience for you.
- It will not be easy at first but will aid you to grow as a human being so that you can become a new version of yourself who is strong and self-sufficient. Do not fear the unknown but be fearless in facing them.
9 Essential Items Every Women Have While Living Alone
The first important thing is, of course, your safety so invest in an extra lock for your door that withstands even the strongest of forces.
We have handpicked 9 items every woman must have if she is living alone for the first time.
- Medicine Box: This is of utmost importance. You never know when you might fall sick so a medicine box with all the essential medicines should be at the top of your priority list which should be kept handy at home.
- Induction Cooker: Cooking on your own after you have moved into a new place can be really challenging. Yet you can manage it like a pro and you do not need to spend on a stove. Yes, you read it right. All you need is an induction cooker which is also a quintessential long term investment for your budget. This cooker is ideal for cooking any kind of dishes from rice to eggs to snacks to munch on for those nights when you just want to Netflix and chill.
Essential Items - Coffee Maker: For those long sleepless nights when you are stuck with your college assignments or office deadlines, coffee is something that will make you will alive, rejuvenate, and have the necessary willpower that you need to function. It can be a bit expensive but it is absolutely worth it. A quality coffee maker is worth the splurge because an indulgent cup of coffee could become the highlight of your morning and set your mood right for the entire day.
- A Flashlight: Power cut can occur anytime be it for a sudden drop in voltage or a fierce storm. You definitely do not want to feel spooky in your new home or feel hopeless about the situation. Flashlights can come to the rescue during times like this kind of emergency or power outages.
- A Refrigerator: Living alone comes with the burdens of looking out for yourself on your own like from paying your own bills to deciding a week’s menu what to eat or not. It is always better to plan ahead and owning a refrigerator helps you in doing that. You can cook and store food for some upcoming days and meanwhile plan your next week’s food menu.
- A Vacuum Cleaner: This will save up a lot of time and energy of yours when you do not feel like cleaning at all but you must as living in an unhygienic condition is an absolute no-no.
- A Drain Protector: Cleaning the drains can be a tough job but when you are living on your own you become responsible for cleaning your house and the drains as well. This will not let your bathroom drains be piled up with unnecessary dirt.
- A Toolbox: This will help you to solve those quick small fixes on your own in a DIY way without the need to call a professional. Also you will end up saving a good amount of money by investing in a toolbox like this which you can utilize later.
- Work from Home Essential: We often tend to bring our unfinished office’s work at home or you can be an entrepreneur who needs to work from home as well. No matter what is the case it is always nice to have the basics essential that will inspire you to be productive and keep you organized as well. Moreover, it is always better to keep a space in your home filled with the things you love.
Keep in mind, success lies just on the other side of fear so be fearless and enjoy the new trip of life because you only live once!!!
Also Read: Eight Things Only A Woman Living Alone Can Relate To