The world has been facing the deadly effect of coronavirus to strengthen your immune system since 2020, and we all take a toll on our minds for the safety of ourselves and our families. This global crisis can be dealt with with a good healthcare system and proper vaccination, but what can we do to take care of ourselves at home?
We all know boosting our immunity can help you fight not just coronavirus but other health diseases as well. So, how can you naturally strengthen your immune system? Is there anything you can do to keep yourself safe from diseases? Well, yes! There are different things you can do for your body and mind to help you achieve stronger immunity. In this article, you'll find how to boost your immune system to fight several diseases. Read on to know more!
How to Strengthen Your Immune System?
Before you want to achieve a healthy immune system, understand what the immune system is and how it works. Immunity is your body's capability to fight off diseases and infections. The stronger the immune system, the quicker you recover from diseases and infections inside your body. The immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that defend the body against infections and diseases. It records every microbe it has fought and defeated and destroys it as soon as it enters your body. What a warrior!
A weak immune system can lead to allergic diseases, immunodeficiencies and autoimmune disorders. The fever you get is an immune system response. A rise in body temperature can kill the microbes inside your body, and it also triggers a repair process. The immune system is one of the body's defences to fight off microbes, so it's very important to keep it strong so that it functions properly, especially during this pandemic.
Tips to Strengthen your Immune System Naturally
Even if you feel healthy and fine, it's important to give your body everything that it requires to build a strong immune system. Your immunity is what keeps you healthy by fighting off illnesses. So, why not care for it? To Strengthen your immune system, you will require several changes in diet and lifestyle that most people find very difficult to practice, but once you make a habit of these little things. Here are some things you can do to boost your immune system:
1. Get a Good Night's Sleep
You need at least 7-8 hours of good quality sleep to keep your immune system going strong. Prioritize your sleep, and if you need help with insomnia, go to a therapist. Sleep and immunity are strongly tied to each other. Getting good quality sleep can help you strengthen your immune system naturally. Limit the screen time an hour before bed and sleep in a well-ventilated and darkroom.
2. Maintain a Healthy Diet
It is said that "you are what you eat." Truly, you can't contradict this statement. To strengthen your immune system, you should follow a healthy diet. This means eating plenty of vegetables, fruits, seeds and healthy fat. Ensure you are getting enough micronutrients that help you build a strong immune system. This includes Vitamin B6 (Chicken, Salmon, Green Vegetables etc.), Vitamin C (Citrus Fruits, Spinach etc.) and Vitamin E (Almonds, Sunflower Oil, Peanut Butter etc.)
3. Focus on Physical Activity
Physical activity or exercise is crucial to strengthen your immune system. A sedentary lifestyle can make you prone to a weak immune system. It doesn't just improve your physical health but also helps you achieve good mental health. Exercise boosts circulation, making it easier for immune cells to travel easily throughout the body. So focus on staying as active as you can.
4. Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking water can help you achieve a healthy body and mind. It may not directly help you strengthen your immune system. However, lack of hydration or dehydration can make you vulnerable to illnesses. Staying hydrated helps you prevent hydration and improves your mood, concertation, digestion and heart and kidney function. So drink plenty of water to keep yourself away from illnesses.
5. Take Care of your Mental Health
Stress can take a huge toll on your body and your brain. To strengthen your immune system, make sure you destress yourself. Long-term stress can cause inflammation as well as imbalances in immune function. Lively activities like meditation, exercise, yoga, sports etc., can help you distract your mind from negativity. Push your mind towards positive elements and always practice gratitude for a healthier mindset. Get help if you see signs and symptoms of deteriorating mental health.
6. Avoid Drinking Alcohol
Drinking alcohol might seem fun and exciting, but if not consumed moderately, alcohol can cause negative effects on your health, including deteriorated immune function. High levels of alcohol in the body can slow down your recovery rate and trouble your normal immune system. With this, your body becomes prone to illnesses like pneumonia, respiratory diseases, liver diseases etc. Limit your alcohol consumption as much as you can. If you don't drink already, do not start.
7. Say no to Smoking
Just like alcohol, smoking cigarettes can also negatively affect your immune system. The chemicals released by cigarette smoke can interfere with the function of your immune system. It also worsens viral and bacterial infections. Stop smoking and avoid it as much as possible. These were some natural ways to boost your immune system and say goodbye to diseases. A stronger immune system means a healthier you. So practice self-care and stay stress-free to stay healthy!