A lot of philosophies regarding personal happiness have been defined by Socrates to David Foster Wallace, in either historical writings or graduation speeches, and although they all have something to say, some are more deserving to be heard than others.
One might fairly argue that the building blocks from which we should begin to result in happiness are self-understanding, equality, and the fulfillment of one’s potential. But the idea that a particular way of thinking or philosophy of life is a guide for a settled, easy way of life is as old as the field of philosophy itself.
Understanding the Various Philosophies to Live By
Philosophy, the mother of all sciences, has spent thousands of years attempting to answer these queries. They’re revived all the time and as a result, an individual is in constant flux, as is that the reality we are to inhabit. The most famous philosophers include Plato and Aristotle, who are known as the founding father of the school of philosophy. One of the foremost celebrated concepts of Socrates was that an unexamined life was not worth living.
Saint Augustine had said that philosophies to live by or ways of thinking are “harbors” for pained spirits. The 6th-century Roman congressperson Boethius named the composition he wrote while anticipating execution “The Consolation of Philosophy” where he discussed the importance of philosophies of happiness and philosophies that can change your life.
Moreover, in his Philosophical Investigations Ludwig Wittgenstein, proposed that the point of the theory isn’t to look for reality rather give alleviation. He did not believe in simply a single philosophy that can change your life, but a combination of such ideas that shall quite the buzz of our daily humdrum.
Benjamin Franklin was known to have spread the idea of transcendentalism when founding the U.S.A. This talks about self-reliance, search for a greater truth, or a better you. Who doesn’t feel unsure at certain moments in life? Who hasn’t questioned the purpose of human existence? Who hasn’t expressed angst at the transience of time? And who hasn’t felt captive between internal desire and the impositions of the material world?
We may ask these questions to ourselves or others at certain points in our lives, and the philosophies of life are to answer them. The aforementioned are a few schools that impart philosophies that will change your life for good. All of these are unconventional and rarely spoken about but they must be put at a high pedestal because of the degree of enlightenment they provide.
School of thought
They say that without the dark we cannot see the stars, or that there would be no light without darkness. We need pessimism to exist if we want optimism to thrive.
Philosophies to Live BySo what is this? The term could at first be impulsively rejected. Why would one want to be gloomy voluntarily? It is a legitimate question, and hence one that deserves a correct answer.
Pessimism, as a mental approach, encourages contemplation of one’s negativity and reflection on it. It is no secret that criticism, pain, misery, sickness, death, and similar circumstances and emotions are present in life. We should simply learn to accept these while always moving forward.
Pessimism is important for a fuller experience of life itself, to learn the philosophy of happiness we must know what it feels like to be sad.
In Latin, Nihil means “nothing” and while this name may also give rise to doubt towards such a way of thinking, it is important to resolve the prejudice, again. What if there is nothing? Like it was before the big-bang? Before the formation of life. And what if there was nothing there?
You understand that almost everything around us is the product of change and accident. As much as things appear to have been there from the very beginning, we must know that it isn’t the case. Morals, traditions, social systems, feelings, and all of our most common practices: all of this is susceptible to change.
Philosophies of happiness
Philosophers have existed for aeons in every culture around the world. Each of these has something essential to teach, to make you live your life better.
Carpe Diem
The very idea of being in the present, realizing that it is the present moment that is important, the rest can change in an instant is this particular school of thought. As humans, we tend to always look for what’s next, because uncertainty scares us. Carpe diem suggests that we learn to live with uncertainties.
We should be daring greatly and live as vulnerable humans, to be able to experience every moment in your life.
Ikigai as roughly translated from the Japanese ‘iki’ (to live) and gai (reason) as ‘your mission in life.’ Success is also described in Western culture as winning or losing, having, and not having.
Ikigai ‘s idea is about changing our attitude and realizing that we are never necessarily going to be on a pinnacle as human beings, and that’s completely okay. Ikigai is starting to think about the little things, and it can often translate into moving away from competitive rat race life.
Ikigai is an amazing philosophy in life to follow.
With a stable work-life balance as well as high living standards, Lagom is undoubtedly why Sweden has among the happiest people in the world. Would it not be great in a fast-paced world if you can somehow slow down and enjoy a life with less anxiety, less uncertainty, and more room for everything you enjoy and love to do?
This principle supports an underlying harmony in our lives: everything in moderation. It’s the opposite of consumer culture and our materialistic societies.
The delicate art and willingness to listen and assess the moods of others is Nunchi. It’s just like emotional intelligence that is highly-sensitive. Nunchi is fundamental to Korea’s complexities of interpersonal relations.
People who have ‘quick nunchi’ easily pick up on just about any person’s or environment’s mood. Nunchi could be seen as the representation of the skills required in a high-context setting to interact effectively. In any dialogue, never give up a good opportunity to listen first.
That is what nunchi signifies because a good speaker is an excellent listener. Philosophy is about dwelling on the threads of our own lives, our acts, and our choices, and in the hope of pursuing a thoughtful life as suggested by Socrates. It is possible to consider the term itself, the “examined life,” as a life with meaning. One is living and pondering, and that is philosophizing. One learns the very essence of life through the fusion of both acts.