We all love heels. It’s a universal fact. It doesn’t matter if it hurts or makes you uncomfortable to walk on; you end up buying a pair when you visit the shoe store. It is in our genes to prioritize fashion more than function, and so no one is quitting high heels anytime soon! However, there is undoubtedly a pain or discomfort (or whatever you like to call it) feeling, and you end up thinking at least once (in the back of your mind) that you would not step out in high heels again. Wearing super high can harm the toes, ankles, or feet instantly robbing off the happiness of your face. This is why we bring to you specific tips/hacks which you can use to make your high ones wearing session comfortable heels and an enjoyable experience.
Tips to Make Your Heels Comfortable
So do you want to wear heels while maintaining your comfort? Then here are some tips to make your heels comfortable.
1. Fitting Heels
No matter what kind of heel it is, how high or how low, fit is the utmost necessity. Always invest in a pair that fits your feet perfectly. Wear heels, go for a stroll around the store and evaluate every part of the feet. Make sure the heel fits your feet perfectly- the shape, style, height as well as width. You can also insert pads into the heel, which will be excellent arch support to your feet.
2. Inserts and Shoe Pads
If walking on the pavement in your heels is on the agenda, add an insert into the heel. This way, you won’t hurt your feet. There are many good brands for shoe pads and inserts, and you can get one at a drugstore. Invest in an insert for the shoe sole, cushion for the ball, or use insert as a barrier between the shoe and heel.
3. Strapping
For some high-heel lovers, wearing a heel having straps and laces helps a lot in easing discomfort. Buy a pair with adjustable straps. This way, the foot will be more wrapped and would not bring trouble while walking. You can buy an ankle strap heel, a criss-cross strap heel a tie heel.
4. Wear them Frequently
An effective way of easing discomfort in heels is to wear them often. You can wear them around the house, while you leave to run an errand or when you stroll across the apartment block. This will ensure you don’t get discomfort and be uncomfortable when you wear them to the next big event!
Also Read: How To Wear Your Clear Heels
5. Exercise
Exercise your feet, it helps to expand and eases pain next time you wear heels. You can also get alignment socks and do exercises for toe and calf stretch to relieve the muscles of your feet.
6. Shop for Footwear at Night
Always buy footwear at night, when the feet are swollen and larger in comparison to daytime. If the shoes are uncomfortable during your purchase at night time, they are sure to be uncomfortable always
7. Measure your Shoe Size
Before purchasing any shoe or heel, make sure you get your feet measured for the accurate shoe size. If it’s been a while you had your shoe size measured, then go for the measure again! Feet size and shape can change with time.
8. Walk Differently
There is a way to walk in flats, and then there is another way to walk in heels. You walk in fats and strut in heels! When you walk in heels, you walk more elegantly. Practice walking in different ways-strut and walk across the room in your heels to make them comfortable for the feet!
9. Anti-blister for Feet
It is essential to carry an anti-blister cream everywhere you go in your heels. Once you see a blister forming in your feet, quickly apply the cream to prevent it from being sore and swollen.
Heels10. Heel Thickness
Skinny pointed heels look sexy and beautiful, but unfortunately, they are not comfortable. You will find it extremely difficult to balance on those heels. As such, invest in a platform heel or a heel that has more thickness to give you stability and comfort when you wear them.
Wearing heels is everyone’s love, to show off the new pair and to make one look elegant and tall. Keep the tips in mind when you get your heel on the next purchase and kill the walk!
Also Read: Cracked Heels Magical Home Remedies