Pregnancy is a special yet complicated time in the life of every woman. Most pregnancies are uncomplicated but a few may carry some serious medical issues that each pregnant woman should watch out for. Pregnancy complications may include mother, child or both. They can be related to health problems that affected the woman before the pregnancy or to problems that arise during the pregnancy. Some of the pregnancy complications can be controlled through diet and/or medical treatment. Regular checks with your maternity doctor can help you decrease the risk of complications and ensures the ongoing health of you and your baby. Your doctor or midwife will help you with these pregnancy complications throughout the course using physical exams, lab tests, and ultrasounds. Your part of the job is to be regular at your prenatal appointments and reporting any troubling symptoms.
Some Pregnancy Complications
Following are some of the main pregnancy complications you need to know:
1. Miscarriage
Miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy within the first 20weeks. About 10-20 percent diagnosed pregnancies end in miscarriage. It is believed to be caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the fertilized egg that keep the embryo from developing. The first sign of a miscarriage is vaginal spotting or bleeding. So call your doctor right away if you notice this sign. To avoid a miscarriage, you need to eat healthy, exercise a bit and keep your weight within normal limits.
2. Premature Labor and Birth
When a baby is delivered before 37weeks, its called a preterm birth and the baby is considered premature. If you feel to start having regular contractions that cause your cervix to begin to thin out before you reach 37 weeks of pregnancy you might be going in premature labor. The reasons for premature labor could be smoking, not getting enough prenatal care, alcohol, medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
3. Preeclampsia
It is a rare condition that affects about 5 percent of expecting mothers. You may get diagnosed with preeclampsia if you have high blood pressure or have protein in your urine or liver or kidney abnormalities after 20weeks of pregnancy. It can easily be cured with proper care. Being progressive in nature, it may affect many organs and in rare cases, it results in life-threatening problems. It may also lead to early delivery.
4. Low-Amniotic Fluid (oligohydramnios)
The amniotic sac fills with fluid that protects and supports your developing baby. When there is a lesser amount of fluid it is called oligohydramnios. This too is a rare situation that occurs in about 4 percent of expecting mothers that have low levels of amniotic fluids, usually in their third trimester. In such cases, the caregiver will have to follow the pregnancy closely to make sure that the baby’s growth is normal.
5. Gestational Diabetes
It is the occurrence of diabetes in women who did not have it before pregnancy. It usually shows up in the middle of the pregnancy. The situation can be controlled by regulating the diet and exercises. It is also imperative to monitor your blood sugar levels and take insulin if required. Make sure to check your diabetes again after the delivery.
6. Ectopic Pregnancy
When a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, it is an ectopic pregnancy. It is a rare case that occurs in 1 of the 50 pregnant women. These pregnancies occur in the fallopian tube. It is important to catch this type of pregnancy initially because the growing embryo could rapture the fallopian tube which may cause internal bleeding. Transplant is not an option in such cases, terminating the pregnancy is the only option.
It is important to understand that most of the pregnancy complications are not your fault and that there is nothing much you could have done to avoid it. Make sure you face every stage with courage and positivity. And remember there is always a way out to deal with every sort of complication.
Also Read: Rare Pregnancy Complications That Should Take Seriously