Having a baby is such an overwhelming stage in your life. You get to snuggle them, their tiny hands and tiny feet, with their tiny clothes and their cute and big baby eyes. Everything is amazing. However, sometimes it can be a challenging task too. You need to care for the baby at every stage and take serious care of minute changes in your baby’s behavior. Therefore, this can be an exhausting task too. But when you put your baby to sleep, there’s nothing more angelic than seeing your little one sleep peacefully.
However, if you are facing problems with your baby waking up frequently in his sleep, it can be a troublesome task to figure out what to do. Go through our article to find out why this happens and what you can do about it.
Reason Why Your Baby Is Waking Up So Often
Your baby’s sleep pattern could be affected by all kinds of things – a lousy cold, a tooth coming through, or a variation in routine. So, take a deep breath and go, detective. Has a change in weather made their room colder during the night? Is the nursery overflowing with sunlight at dawn? Is your neighbor’s new dog barking through the night? Or is their broken sleep caused by a surge in growth? Perhaps your baby is chuffed to bits they can crawl and now wants to practice – at 3 am. How babies sleep depends mostly on their age, but there is still a lot you can do to turn things around and get some valuable sleep again.
What Can You Do About It?
When you’ve ruled out any noticeable causes, like teething or a cold bedroom, the best thing you can do is keep things normal and steady, keeping things normal and using the same method for getting them to sleep is the best way to go. You may never find out what disturbed their sleep, but these tips will help you get things back to normal:
1. Help them with a security object
you can choose a baby blanket or stuffed animal and keep it near you for a while, so it takes on your comforting smell. If you’re breastfeeding, you can even try putting some breast milk onto a small piece of muslin, then pop it in their cot. Babies have a stout sense of smell, so if they wake suddenly, your familiar smell may help them relax again.
2. Reset your baby’s body clock
You can do this by helping your baby learn the difference between night and day by making daytime feeds friendly and active, and night-time feeds relaxing and silent.
3. Teach them to doze off
when your baby gets to about 6 weeks, you can teach them to drop off without relying on you to feed or rock them to sleep. Try putting them on their back when they’re looking drowsy, and let them slowly drift off. Learning this skill will help them get back to sleep even without you.
4. Bath, pajamas & bedtime story
Soothing activities that your baby will start to associate with bedtime can help create the correct atmosphere at bedtime. Why not try a quick bath and nappy change, before putting on PJs and finishing with a little bedtime story? You can even include a baby massage for your little one. Whatever you do, finish in your baby’s cozy bedroom and make sure it’s fairly short and sweet – 45 minutes max.
Are they fully up or crying in sleep?
If you hear crying, don’t hurry in straight away – your little one might be crying in their sleep, or they might be awake, but able to settle themselves.
Some parents help their babies get to sleep by cuddling up in bed with them, and they may even share a bed all night. If your baby is 6 months or younger, it’s safest for them to sleep in a cradle next to your bed, but if you want to try having your baby in your bed with you, you should give it a try.
These are the causes and methods you need to follow to ensure a healthy and good sleep for your baby so that it also makes time for you to rest peacefully.
Also Read: Baby Napping Dos And Dont's For Parents