Our elders have always said your morning mood decides your whole day, thus start your morning with smile and positivity. You have often heard health trainers, celebrities talking about their morning routine and how it helps them. Many studies show how the lives of people who have good morning routines are calmer and stress-free than those who do not have. Thus, it is non-debatable that morning routine does help us in crafting our whole day stress-free and happy.
We all have some basic morning routine. However, it is important to have a good one. Some are 5 am plans with lots of exercises, others have very basic getting up, bathing and going to work.
This article will guide you about how a good morning routine can bring significant positive change in your life and the importance of it. It is believed that “early to bed, early to rise, makes you good and wise”. We all completely adhere to it, but since each one of us has different workloads and jobs, this article will focus on practices that you can incorporate in your lives to make it better.
What is the Morning Routine?
The set of activities one follows every morning is his or her morning activities. These are the activities one does before going to work or pursuing day to day activities.
They can be as simple as having a glass of water to an hour-long walk schedule or yoga. Your morning routine varies from others because of various reasons such as different lifestyles, job profile, basic habits, workload, etc. you may not realize or know your morning routine but there are some things which we do every morning that makes up our routine. Therefore we all have a morning routine.
“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” this was quoted by Gautam Buddha and we can’t agree more by this quote of buddha
The morning routine is the first thing we do in that entire day so it must be exceptional. It is very important to have the same routine every day so that it becomes a healthy practice. Remember you don’t have to copy someone’s routine, you have to find or make your own which will help you to increase your productivity and will suit you the best. You can acquire some of the practices from someone routine that you think will help you but not the entire routine.
How to set up a morning routine in your life?
For incorporating any routine in your lifestyle and making it a habit the key is practice! For this, you have to be consistent. It is needless to say that introducing anything new to your routine can be tough. But with patience and practice, you can achieve it.
However, you can always be flexible about your practices. This does not mean that you don’t stick to any one practice and keep changing but if you think any activity or routine is not suiting you and your health you can always drop it and add something new. Thus, be determined, keep practicing, and don’t be very harsh on yourself. Also, never lose hope, you are almost there!
Some morning hacks which can easily take place in your Morning Routine
As mentioned earlier, you don’t have to copy all of these hacks, just choose what fits you the best.
These hacks will definitely bring change in your day and in your life as a whole. You will feel more motivated, determined, and positive, above all, you will lead a life with less stress or rather feel more relaxed, calm, and composed.
- Drink at least a glass of water as soon as you wake up before brushing. This hack has many body-positive results and just keeps you more hydrated. If you want to lose weight, warm water and honey really helps. So yeah you can try that too. Keep in mind, hydration is always good for the body.
- Write something, it can be anything.it need not to be big, it can be as small as a line. This small hack will help you regain your thoughts the previous night and will help you function better mentally. You can write anything from everyday tasks to your last night’s dreams.
- Do some physical activity. I am not talking about regressive activity but any normal exercise routine. It can be as short as 10-15 mins or as long as 1 hour to 2 hours, depending on your lifestyle. But physical activity in your morning keeps both mind and body in check. You can do a simple walking or some dance routine, yoga whatever you like.
- Read something good or positive. Reading habit does help you a lot, that you may not know. Reading something positive keeps adds positivity to our whole day. It can also be a quote or any paragraph. Just give it a read, t hardly takes 5 mins.
- If the reading does not suit you you can listen to good music with some positive affirmations. You can do it while brushing or while doing the workout. Remember music is a great healer. Or just sit relaxed fr 5-10 mins and play the music, you will feel regenerated.
- Do anything which makes you feel happy from inside. You can spend time with your loved-ones for like 10-15 mins. Be thankful for your life, pray, express your gratitude for anything. The feeling of happiness in the morning is a great booster to start your day.
- As mentioned above, praying, being thankful, expressing gratitude is a great way to start your day. Just try it, you will definitely see results. It has been proven that expressing gratitude helps you with many things, dealing with your inner self, people around your relationships, life, all.
- Wake up at the same time every day, this will help your body to grasp a rhythm.
- Meditate. Researches shows meditation is the key to everything. Find your corner, sit, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Trust us if you will be able to incorporate this the results will give you wonders.
- Try to stay away from technology. This hack will help you to be focused and concentrate on yourself.
It will be great if you try to pursue these activities in garden or balcony. Close to nature is always better.
Importance of Morning Routine in a nutshell
You must have heard every successful person has a morning thus it does play some role in their success right? How a morning routine can help you is much talked about and no matter how much you stress upon its importance it is never enough. Here are some points to keep you motivated!
- Increase productivity, leading to success
- Keep you calm
- It is the much needed ‘me’ time, helps to focus on yourself
- Reduces procrastination
- Keeps you mental, physical, and emotional health in check
- Will make you positive and a happy person
- Keep you focused
- Give you peace
- Helps you to deal with stress
- Brings you the feeling of fulfillment
The advantages of morning routine are innumerable so just get started!
Also read; Your Guide To Successful Morning Workouts