There’s usually not much to worry about having a fever which is like fever not coming down when it comes to adults. A fever can signify several illnesses but can often be harmless as well. These last for mostly one to two days and don’t cause much hassle, except the regular discomfort that follows fever. When you see that your fever is not coming down, the causes can be severe.
Fever in children is quite problematic for their parents. Persistent low-grade fever or high-grade fever isn’t always harmless for children and needs immediate expert consultation. 98.6°F is the normal body temperature and anything above that can be termed as fever. High fever is a cause of concern but so is persistent low-grade fever. When the temperature doesn’t exceed 100-102°F, the temperature is low grade. To know more about fevers, read along!
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Fever Not Coming Down: What are the Underlying Causes?
When foreign bodies or particles like germs and infection-causing bacteria enter the body, it starts prepping for fighting against them and produces more leukocytes or white blood cells. They are known to destroy foreign bodies. This is when the temperature of the body increases and it gets heated up, causing fever. Thus, fever not going down is essentially a symptom and not an ailment in itself. There can be various factors that cause fever.
1. UTIs or Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infections occur due to the growth of germs or bacteria in the urinary tract, that is, including the kidneys, the bladder, uterus, etc. Certain symptoms of UTIs are a burning feeling and irritation in the vagina white urinating, frequent urges to pee, abdomen pain, and dark-colored urine. UTIs can be cured by antibiotics but those who suffer from UTIs are advised to use separate washrooms to avoid contact spreading.
2. Respiratory Ailments
Respiratory conditions like flu are known to cause fever that doesn’t come down or persistent low-grade fever.
Respiratory AilmentsSneezing, cough and cold, tiredness, and a falling appetite are some of its most common signs. Antibiotics generally cure such conditions. Taking vapor and gurgling are also popular treatment methods.
3. Medicines
Certain drugs can cause fever as a side effect of consuming them. Thus, it’s important to rely on medicines that are prescribed by experts. Reading the instructions while buying medicines is also equally necessary. Do not invest in medicines without knowing about their composition and how they’re going to affect your body. There’s seldom any need to worry if the cause of fever not coming down is medicines. Once you cease to consume them, the fever is supposed to go away.
4. Stress
Rising stress levels might cause a persistent low-grade fever. This is caused due to the production of cortisol or the stress hormone. The body temperature rises during stressful times and thus causes fever.
5. Indigestion
Food poisoning or indigestion may cause fever that does not come down. This type of fever mostly subsides once the infection is cured. No other medicines are required other than the ones meant for the actual illness.
6. Cancer
Reasons for fever not coming down include cancer. Hodgkin disease, leukemia, or non-Hodgkin lymphoma are examples. If you notice a combination of the symptoms that are mentioned below, along with persistent low-grade fever, you must talk to your physician as soon as possible.
- fatigue
- Low appetite
- Sudden loss of weight
- Infections
- Unusual sweating
- Headache
- Expansion of the lymph nodes
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Fever Not Coming Down: Available Cure
Here a few things that you can do to make your fever go away at once!
Keep Yourself HydratedSweating leads to loss of water and the body needs to be given back the amount of water that it loses. If you want to lessen your fever that’s not coming down, drink tons of water. Alternatives like juices and iced tea can also help provide the body with the fluids that it needs.
Cold water treatment always works when body temperature is exceedingly high. Cold compresses and neutral baths help in reducing fever that doesn’t go away easily. However, avoid icy cold water because the condition may worsen.
The best way to survive a fever not coming down is by sleeping it away. This would not only save you from experiencing comfort but also give your body conducive conditions for repair and rejuvenation.
OTC or Over-The-Counter drugs like aspirin, naproxen, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen reduce fever. Make sure that these medicines are out of the reach of children and infants.
Homemade Remedies For Fever
Checkout the best home remedies for your fever:
1. Basil
Basil Studies show that this herb is as effective as antibiotics for treating fever. Take some basil leaves and boil them for some time, before straining the water. Add some ginger and honey to the mixture and boil it again till it’s reduced to half. Fever not coming down? Try this magical potion.
2. Ginger
The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of ginger make it an excellent agent for treating fever. Use it in tea by grating some of it and adding it to boiling water. You can also add a tsp of honey for the best results. Drink ginger tea twice or thrice every day, to abate fever.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
It helps to absorb heat from the body due to its acidic properties and lowers body temperature. Mix 2-3 tsp of ACV or apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it every morning for regaining good health.
We’ve tried to give a basic overview of what you should do when you have a fever. There’s no need to freak out since fevers are quite common due to a lot of reasons like weather changes, stress, etc. However, with the advent of the pandemic, it’s important to be more careful and conscious. Go to regular check-ups and keep a record of your daily temperatures to avoid diseases as much as you can. Keep electrolytes and OTC reducers handy so that you can use them whenever there’s a need.
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