If you never knew, women enjoy porn as much as men. Although women’s sex drive is much less than men, women do find porn as fascinating as men do but unfortunately most women tend to keep it a secret. So ladies, let’s have some fun with the Feminist erotica. Remember that most porn you watch on the internet is not completely ethical. What do you mean by ethical? Just like you pay on iTunes or Spotify to buy albums to support your favorite artist, ethical porn is where the creator gets the money they deserve.
So, are you watching feminist erotica where the women are enjoying themselves? Well, if not, we are going to suggest to you some feminist porn websites which are ethical and salacious! Read on to discover some of the best feminist porn websites!
What Exactly Is Ethical Porn?
Ethics are important everywhere and the internet isn’t an exception, especially when it comes to the most searched websites like porn websites. Ethical porn, also known as feminist porn or fair trade porn is pornography videos that are made consensually, pays the performers, and filmmakers fairly and treats the performers with dignity and respect.
Ethical porn focuses on the needs, boundaries, and consent of the performers. It also shows diverse body types, queer relationships, and actual female pleasure which is mostly absent in popular porn sites. It undertakes to cater the scenes that aren’t solely focused on male gazes. In short, it is comprehensive, creative, and consensual erotica that focuses on the boundaries and needs of its performers.
Feminist Erotica Websites
The most important thing you should do when you’re trying to find ethical porn is to find the performer’s consent policy, their interviews, and their social media to support them just like you do with your favorite artist, singer, musician, actor, etc. Here are some of the best feminist erotica websites to watch:
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1. Pink Label TV
Pink Label TV features queer movies as well as a variety of feminist porn and ethical films that are sensual. The selection and variety of movies on this website are huge and are growing constantly.
If you are queer and enjoy watching ethical porn, Pink Label TV is your stop to have it all. It includes people of all colors, people with disabilities, and the LGBTQ+ community with honor and respect.
2. Make Love Not Porn
Make Love Not Porn is a web platform that shows real sex among real people. It concentrates on body confidence, unlike formulated porn which doesn’t show the actuality of sex. Couples submit their videos consensually of them having sex and half of that money goes to the creators themselves. It encourages and supports the actual creators.
Feminist Erotica Websites 3. Joy Bear
Joybear has been making sex-positive, erotic films since 2003 and describes themselves as ‘Very British, Very Naughty’. They feature interesting, strong, and provocative female performers who are paid and treated fairly. They consider sex a positive activity and provide a safe space for people to enjoy, explore and have leisure.
4. OnlyFans
OnlyFans is a feed-based design concept for NSFW content. You become a “fan” of a creator you would like to follow and pay for accessing their exclusive content that is paywalled. Some creators may provide free membership. All content on OnlyFans isn’t NSFW, People may post whatever content they would like their fans to see. OnlyFans is a platform where performers can earn fairly and with their own will according to their fan base and performance.
5. ElseCinema
ElseCinema is a pay-per-view catalog of the best content in adult cinema from around the world. All the films are ethically made, produced, and displayed. There is a huge variety of adult content including romance, BDSM, LGBTQ+, massage, etc. If you’re looking for sex positivity, beauty and want to know what actual sex looks like, ElseCinema is your destination. Watch your porn ethically or not!
6. Bright Desire
Bright Desire demonstrates realism, intimacy, connection, and laughter among the sexual partners in their videos rather than just deeply focusing on sex. You are going to witness the couple enjoying the sex rather than forcing it, which everyone would love to see! Bright Desire features a real-life couple that ensures consent and respect among the creators.
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7. Lady Cheeky
Lady Cheeky proclaims itself as the number one porn website for women. Just like Tumblr, it has pages of extremely sexy photos and gifs. There are different images available for every sexual mood. It is super hot and feels classy at the same time. There are many sexy quotes, artsy naked pictures (which are posted with consent), and gifs capturing perfect sexual moments.
8. FrolicMe.Com
FrolicMe offers feminist erotica videos, audios, stories, and exclusive photos. If you are into romantic porn, this is the best porn website for you. This website is known to be the recommendation from sex therapists to their clients. It is a sex-positive platform that greatly focuses on female pleasure which is mostly ignored in many popular porn websites. This website keeps on updating every week so you have a lot of stuff to discover here.
9. Four Chambers
It is a Patreon platform where you decide what you are going to pay with tiers varying from $1 to $150 and gives you access to all the content of four chambers’ artwork.
The more you decide to pay, the more content you get to see. Four Chambers illustrates itself as an art project as well as an erotica cinemascope. You’re going to see many artsy videos that illustrate what sexuality should look like. The artwork and videos are extremely beautiful and pleasant to the eyes.
These were some of the best feminist erotica websites you can watch “ethically”. Not only do you get to see some of the best and salacious content but you also support the real creators and prevent yourself from unethical porn which can be at times nonconsensual and doesn’t focus on female pleasure. So, know what you see!
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Why do women like erotica?
A. Women like erotica for the same reasons men do. They find it sexually exciting and use it as a means to help them fantasize during masturbation.
Q. What is ethical feminist porn?
A. Ethical porn is anything that is made legally, respects the rights of the performers, has good working conditions, shows both fantasy and real-world sex, and celebrates sexual diversity, just to name a few things. Most people agree that mistreatment of women is a big problem in the porn industry.
Q. Is feminist pornography a thing?
A. Feminist pornography is becoming a symbol of the positive sexuality movement. This is because it promotes fair trade and looks out for the interests of both performers and consumers. Even though not all kinds of feminism are sex-positive, feminist pornography seems to be very likely to be.