Eyes speak a thousand words and eyelash are it’s conveyer, an eye roll, batting our eyes with a coquettish look can covey myriad emotions. But without those long dramatic eyelashes, the fluttering of your beautiful eyes might go for a toss. But providing a solution to this universal problem is Eyelash Implants surgery. Ta Da!
So, wondering how long do eyelash implants last? read on to find out!
Eyelash Implant Surgery
Eyelash implants surgery is a cosmetic surgery which involves augmentation of the eyelashes. Eyelash implants are a permanent method of enhancing the length of your eyelashes. We have heard about eyelash extensions for enlargement of the eyelashes. Eyelash implants are a permanent method of enlarging the eyelashes. It is a great method to increase the volume of your eyelashes. These eyelash implants make your eyes look naturally pretty.
Eyelash transplant surgery is done by removing one hair from your body to the eyelash area. Mostly, the hair on your legs or hair on the back of the head is used for transplanting eyelashes. Those who have short or small eyelash hair can have this transplant for the desired length and give a natural look to your eyes. This type of transplant is considered better than extensions because they provide permanent, fuller and longer lash length.
Pros and cons of Eyelash Implant Surgery
Here are the pros and cons of eyelash implant surgery:
- Talking about the advantages of eyelash implant surgery is that it provides you with long-lasting results which means it is permanent if done by a professional cosmetic surgeon. You can admire them for a longer period.
- The second benefit of having an eyelash implant surgery is that you get a fuller and natural look on your eyes as the hair implanted are real and your own. The surgeons take hair from your body and use them to transplant in the eyelash area. So they give you a more natural and real look.
- The implanted hair is taken from the scalp can grow long after the transplant.
- It takes a while to achieve the desired results of eyelash implants. You can’t see a sudden result in your eyelashes. You need to wait to achieve the results.
- The cost of having eyelash implant is very expensive
- There is a risk of pain, bleeding and infections with this type of surgery. So, one should keep in mind these points before going through implant surgery.
The Procedure of Eyelash Implant Surgery
People with short eyelashes are good candidates for eyelash implant surgery. People suffering from any kind of medical conditions should avoid getting eyelash implants. It may be dangerous to them. People who are prone to infections and who lost their hair because of certain medications, stress should also prevent implant surgery. Before undergoing this implant surgery, one should avoid alcohol consumption, smoking and blood-thinning medications a week before the surgery.
Eyelash implants can be done with two methods: FUT and FUE methods. In FUT method, a strip of your scalp is extracted and then the hairs are attached to the eye. They are trimmed according to the desired length. In FUE method, individual hair is removed and attached to the eyelash area and then they are trimmed according to the patient’s preference.
The goal of eyelash implants is to increase the volume and fullness of the eyelashes. This is cosmetic surgery so people with medical conditions should consider talking to their healthcare professional before they consider having this implant.
The Procedure of Eyelash Implant SurgeryRisks and Precautions of Eyelash Implant Surgery
Eyelash implants may give you fuller and pretty eyelashes but they have some downsides too. One of them is cost, Eyelash implant cost is way too expensive and the other is there is no guarantee that there will be a successful result you wish to achieve. It may take almost one year to see the result. The implants may require maintenance and can get very annoying and out of shape too if not maintained well.
Always consider choosing a well experienced cosmetic surgeon. The desired results depend on how the surgeon performs the surgery. If the surgery is not performed well, there can be infections and pain on the eyes.
While recovering from eyelash implant surgery you may experience some side effects which involve swelling, redness, crusting and kindness around the transplanted hair and eyelids. You can continue your daily work in 2-5 days. 5 days is the average recovery period for eyelash implant surgery. It takes time to achieve the desired results but after 5-6 months, you will see your eyelash hair growing.
There will be a little discomfort during the recovery period but that is temporary. The transplanted hair may fall out over the next few weeks but the new hair will start to grow after 5-6 months and will continue to grow. It may take time to show the desired results. You need to be patient to achieve these results.
Alternatives to Eyelash Implants
As we have read earlier, eyelash implants have a lot of disadvantages or downsides, most people do not prefer having eyelash implants. They are costly, slow with results and risk of pain and bleeding makes it less preferable.
If you don’t want a permanent treatment for your eyelashes, there are a lot of alternatives available which are not expensive, quick and do not cause any bleeding or harm. They are great alternatives with no side effects. Though they are not permanent, they have fewer disadvantages than eyelash implants.
Some of the alternatives for eyelash extensions are:
Eyelash implants are good for you if you have a busy life and want a permanent solution to your eyelash thinness and thickness. However, it is a very slow process and you would need a lot of patience and maintenance to see the results. Permanency being its main benefit, it has more cons than pros.
Eyelash implants cost t being its major disadvantage, it also involves a risk of developing infections and pain.
It takes 2-3 days to recover from the pain. Though, the results are visible only after months. It may take 5-6 months or even 1 year to notice the results. There are alternatives available in the market for eyelash implants like eyelash extensions, lash lifts, mascara etc. They are way cheaper than eyelash implants. You should consider talking to your doctor before having this implant if you have any medical condition.
Also Read: A Quick Low Down On Eyelash Extensions