People who do chest binding, squeezing the chest to make it look flatter, often see it as a necessary evil. Even though it might never be your best friend, there are ways to build a healthy and safe relationship with it to reduce risks while still expressing your gender identity.
It is important to know that chest binding does not work the same way for everyone. What works for one person might not work for you. But to get started, it is best to know the basics. It will help you get the desired results while keeping the risks in check.
What Is Chest Binding?
It is the process of squeezing your upper torso to make it look like you have a flat chest. This word can also be used to talk about the clothes worn during the compression process. Most of the time, chest binders are hidden under the clothes worn daily. They can also be worn on their own, without any other clothes. People can connect for many different reasons. Some trans people use breast bindings as part of their recovery from top surgery, while others use them to help with the everyday symptoms of gender dysphoria.
On the other hand, binding practices are open to people of any gender identity, both inside and outside the binary. A cisgender woman, for example, might find that binders are more comfortable than a sports bra. A person who doesn't think of themselves as male or female might feel more at ease if their chest was flatter.
What Is Chest Binding Tape?
Chest Binding TapeA chest binder or chest binding tape is an article of clothing used to press down on the breasts or chest tissue. It can help make the chest look more toned. Some styles may have straps across the shoulders and look like full-length tank tops. Some of them, like "half binders," only give you compression up to your middle. On top of that, there are compression items that can be used for many different things.
For example, some transgender people who have just had surgery need to wear a chest binder to help them recover. These binders were made just for trans men to make sure they had enough support while rebuilding the area of their chest without making it hard for them to breathe. People with dysphoria and general anxiety may find that a binder helps them organize their thoughts. They can also make people feel better about themselves and give them more confidence.
Tips For Chest Binding
1. Limit Your Time
Binders shouldn't be worn for more than 8–12 hours, and you should not sleep in them. It is also important to plan breaks for your binder every day and not bind it every day. When people tie their breasts more often, like every day, they are more likely to have bad side effects.
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2. Right Fit
If you want to wear a commercial binder, make sure you buy the right size and that it fits you well. Do some research before you buy a commercial binder to find the right one for you, and read customer reviews to get an idea of how accurate the sizes are.
Try not to buy one that is too tight. If it hurts, cuts, or hurts your skin, or if it makes it hard for you to breathe, you should go up a size or two. A binder should let people breathe normally and let air flow (look for breathable fabrics). Skin that is wet, clammy, and sweaty is the perfect place for rashes and fungal infections. It is one of the important tips for chest binding.
3. Avoid Binding While Working Out
Some people's dysphoria might get worse when they move around, but when you exercise, you need to breathe deeply, move around freely, and sweat more. If you still want to flatten your chest while working out, look for a sports bra that does this.
4. Listen To Your Body
If your binder is hurting you or making it hard for you to breathe, take it off (or another restrictive garment). It is possible that the clothes you were wearing were too tight or that you worked on binding for too long without taking a break. It is important to take care of your body while you are binding, even if it makes you feel better emotionally or mentally, and you want to do it all the time.
Side Effects Of Chest Binding
Side Effects Of Chest BindingMost common: back pain, overheating, chest pain, shortness of breath, itching, bad posture, and shoulder pain. Even though there are health risks, most people still bond because it makes them feel better and improves their quality of life. If you can't bind, wear patterned and dark-colored shirts to draw attention away from your chest.
Stripes that go up and down take attention away from curves. You can put on more than one shirt. Start with a sports bra or a tight shirt. Your shirts and jackets can be worn without buttons or zippers. Be careful when you put on more than one sports bra. You will end up with a shape that is not even, and the bras will cut into your skin. We hope that you understand the side effects of chest binding and practice the correct ways.
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Chest binding is an important way for transmasculine people and people with breasts who identify as masculine or binary (neither masculine nor feminine) to feel more at ease in their bodies. There are many ways to practice breast binding; if you do it right, it is safe. But it can lead to a wide range of health problems. Most of the time, these side effects can be prevented or treated by a doctor specializing in transgender health care.
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