Ayurveda has been a common Herbs Spices for Digestion practice in Asia and especially in India for centuries. People who believe in Ayurveda insists that it is better than consuming chemical drugs for it is herbal and free from side effects, which is not the case for most clinical drugs.
With constant and increasing digitalization and daily work stress, a sedentary lifestyle and easy access to packaged and frozen foods, irregular eating habits and serious eating disorders, most people from toddlers to seniors either suffer from indigestion or have suffered from indigestion in the past. Indigestion shrinks the gut health and as a result, symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and other gastric issues are evidently faced occasionally.
Thus, to save you from the pain of unwanted and uninvited indigestion, we have compiled a few natural ayurvedic herbs for digestion.
Ayurvedic Herbs Spices for Digestion
Here is a list of ayurvedic herbs and spices for digestion:
1. Fenugreek or Methi
A common spice found in almost every Indian household, fenugreek or methi seeds are rich in fibre and antioxidants. Fenugreek seeds also have the power to catalyse digestion naturally, thereby flushing out all the harmful and unwanted toxins out of the body. This particular spice has a special lubricating property that cools down and soothes the lining of the gut, stomach and the intestines.
Furthermore, fenugreek seeds have detoxifying properties that help you lose the extra weight and burn the excess belly fat naturally. To lose weight fast, soak fenugreek seeds in a glass of water along with natural palm sugar. Drink the water on an empty stomach every morning.
Note: Kasuri methi leaves is not a substitute for fenugreek seeds.
2. Cumin or Jeera
The most popular spice amongst Indians, cumin seeds or jeera are tiny fragrant seeds that bring the oomph factor in many Indian and Indo-Chinese dishes.
Cumin or JeeraPractitioners of Ayurveda claim that cumin seeds relief one from digestive problems instantly, curing bloating and gas. Cumin seeds are also known to have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce abdominal pain and related tummy discomfort.
Drinking cumin-soaked water, a common practice in many Indian households stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and accelerates the process of digestion. It also helps you to fight the gut-related issues. Cumin seeds are also popular amongst expecting women, as it is considered to be a magical spice that provides relief to the pregnant mother from many pregnancy-related digestive problems.
3. Turmeric or Haldi
Turmeric or Haldi is known to possess anti-fungal, anti-viral, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from rendering colour to curries, it kills off any fungal properties present in the other ingredients while cooking.
It also heals the digestive system. Apart from healing the digestive system, it provides strength to the bones and relieves any muscle cramps. Turmeric milk is often fed to children in Indian household to provide calcium to the body along with the antioxidant properties of turmeric.
4. Clove or Laung
Clove or lavang or laung is composed of eugenol oil which is popular for its antiseptic, anaesthetic, antioxidant and astringent properties. Also known as ‘Kaphahar’ in Ayurvedic studies, clove signifies the ability to maintain a balance between the Kapha and the Dosha. Cloves are essentially carminative in nature and prevent the formation of gas in the GIT.
5. Ginger or Adrak
Ginger has peculiar abilities to heal an upset stomach and work wonders for the digestive system in general. It has great pain-relieving properties and immunity-boosting abilities. Ginger also protects the body from severe cough and cold. It is also why ginger is used in tea and many Asian curries include ginger in them for its medicinal value.
6. Cinnamon or Daalcheeni
Cinnamon is rich in properties that help in improving the absorption and digestion of the nutrients that the body gets from the food we consume. Additionally, cinnamon is a great antibacterial agent that prevents internal infections and protects the gastrointestinal tract.
7. Black Pepper or Kaali mirch
Black pepper is rich in compound piperine that catalyses the process of digestion and promotes the stimulation of enzymes in the stomach that helps in the digestion of proteins. It is also why all meat-based recipes from across the world use salt and pepper as the most basic ingredients for marination of the meat.
8. Fennel or Saunph
Fennel or saunph is known for its digestive properties. It is served at the end of meals in Indian households to boost the digestive process. Consumption of fennel seeds relieves you from bloating, gas and gripping. Fennel seeds are known to be of great aid to the lymphatic system as they help in reducing nausea and soothe the acid refluxes in the lining of the digestive system.
Fennel or SaunphFennel seeds also act as a natural antispasmodic and help in relieving abdominal cramps caused by constipation or overeating.
9. Moonseed or Giloy
Giloy or moonseed is a miraculous Ayurvedic herb that is known for its excellent purification properties. It is especially popular amongst the Indians and helps in purifying blood and resists the entry of any bacteria in the body. Giloy also fights against any bacteria, if present in the body system. The antioxidant properties of Giloy help in improving immunity and promote the process of digestion.
10. Indian Gooseberry or Amla
Amalaki or amla is a delicious superfruit that is advocated for millenniums and centuries by Ayurvedic practitioners. Amla helps in digestion and supplements the body with Vitamin C, naturally.
Amla also possesses certain detoxifying nutrients that rejuvenate the entire body and aids in the detoxification of the digestive system and the GIT along with reducing acidity and balancing the pH levels of the gut. The amla that is grown in India are especially rich in Vitamin C and contributes to the overall health and wellbeing of the body. Did You Know? The oil extracted from amla are used for the nourishment of the roots of the hair and prevents it from premature greying.
11. Ashwagandha
Practitioners of ancient Ayurveda claim that ashwagandha is one of the herbs for boosting digestion. It is a tiny bark of plant that is considered and known to reduce inflammations and boost the immunity of the digestive system.
12. Garlic or Lehsun
One of the most popular herbs for the good digestive system, garlic or lehsun is easily available in any Indian kitchen. If not, you can easily spot it in Asian supermarkets. Garlic has several health benefits and successfully cures various digestive problems.
Garlic or LehsunGarlic is not just an exquisite spice that enhances any cuisine, but it also possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties which help in treating various gut-related problems.
Tip: Use fresh garlic cloves to treat digestive issues instead of using dehydrated garlic powder.
Which herbs for good digestive system do you prefer?
Also read; Home Remedies For Controlling Indigestion