3 to 4 Weeks Pregnant
If you have just taken a pregnancy test and finally seen the two red lines you have longed for so long, congratulations! While week 3 and week 4 is still early to find out about your pregnancy, you may have taken a test as soon as you missed your periods, just because you were so excited. It’s understandable, after all, this is a new chapter in your life. But with new beginnings come new fears and so, it is okay to seek some guidance to support you through this new journey.
Around the end of week 4, the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in your blood may reach a level sufficient to detected by a sensitive at-home pregnancy test. At times, if you are at risk of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, your doctor could ask you to come for a blood test which can confirm pregnancy at 3 weeks, too.
Either way, it is from this point onwards that you will actually find out that you are pregnant. It is tempting to give in to the excitement fully and share the news with everyone you know, but there are a few first necessary steps you need to take first.
The very first thing you need to do after informing your partner (if you have one) is to call your doctor and schedule your first prenatal appointment, where your doctor will do various tests, including one that confirms your pregnancy. However, if you have irregular periods and you have just taken a test, you should meet up with your doctor as soon as possible.
Pregnancy Week: 3 & 4
Around the time of being 3 to 4 weeks pregnant, the egg gets fertilized in your uterus and turns into a zygote, which further develops into a microscopic ball of cells called a blastocyte. While its size is not big enough to give you a 3 weeks pregnant belly or a 4 weeks pregnant belly, the importance of this new life in your uterus is just as much as it will be at the end of 9 months.
Being 3 to 4 weeks pregnant is when the actual realization starts sinking in. The initial excitement may give way to nervousness and fear. If you are wondering how are you supposed to feel at 3 weeks pregnancy or how ready should you be at the end of 4 weeks, we are here to tell you that it is completely okay to be scared! It doesn’t mean that you are any less prepared or worthy of being a parent. It just shows that you care a lot since you are afraid only because you want the best for your child.
If you feel like you are not ready, that’s okay, because no one really is when it comes to pregnancy. What is important is to know that you are not alone and you will slowly figure out this process step by step.
3 to 4 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
While it is still too early for 3 weeks pregnant belly and a 4 weeks pregnant belly, no matter how badly you may want to see bodily proof of your parenthood, you can still experience certain early pregnancy symptoms. 3 to 4 weeks pregnant symptoms are not as severe as the ones you will experience, later on, you should still brace yourself for some discomforts.
If you do not experience any of these symptoms, don’t panic immediately. It is still early in your pregnancy journey and your body is still adjusting. Enjoy the calm while you can, before things progress in full swing. So, how are you supposed to feel at 3 weeks pregnancy or 4 weeks of pregnancy? Here are some symptoms that you should be on the lookout for:
1. Nausea and morning sickness
Since hCG is constantly increasing in level in your blood, you will slowly begin to experience queasiness or even vomiting as you get further along in your pregnancy. Nausea will usually start appearing around week 4, so if you’re experiencing this earlier, you may be further along than you think or it could be an indicator that you’re carrying twins!
3 to 4 Weeks PregnantMorning sickness is common in 50 to 90% women and can start slowly around week 4, becoming its worst around week 9. So, even if you don’t have it in your 3 to 4 weeks pregnant symptoms yet, you should start preparing yourself for the days ahead.
2. Implantation bleeding
It can be scary to find some spotting on your underwear in this time, but it is normal to experience light bleeding as a result of the implantation of the zygote on the walls of your uterus. However, if you have heavy bleeding or any other such concerns, contact your doctor immediately.
3. Breast changes
This is one of the 3 to 4 weeks pregnant symptoms you may experience. Your breasts could start getting swore around week 3 and get tender by week 4 because your body is preparing itself for future breastfeeding. This can cause your nipples to start darkening as well.
4. Bloating
Ah, one of those not-so-fun symptoms. While your 4 weeks pregnant belly may not be showing the baby bump you waiting for, it can get a little bloated due to all the different changes happening in your body, which affect your digestive system too.
5. Mild cramping
Implantation can result in mild cramping, which is nothing to worry about. But if the cramping gets severe, contact your physician as soon as possible.
6. Mood swings
Here they come, the infamous pregnancy mood swings that we all have heard about. They’re not just a myth, but something that occurs due to changing hormones, which tend to make you irritable and emotional, especially in the first 12 weeks.
7. Fatigue
Your body is working its hardest to accommodate the growth of a new life inside you. Thus, it is common to feel completely exhausted around week 4 especially, so remember to take it easy.
Week 3 and week 4 ultrasound
Around week 4, the blastocyte is splitting into the placenta and the embryo. A few things such as the neural tube are developed, from where the baby’s spine, backbone, brain form. Along with this, the amniotic sac and fluid are protecting your baby from external harm.
PregnancyWhile this all sounds magical, realistically it only appears as a tiny dot known as the gestational sac. Hence, even when you call your OB-GYN to schedule your first prenatal checkup appointment, they may only ask you to come after a month. Even if this sounds disappointing, just remember that if you wait, then the first thing you could hear in that first checkup is the heartbeat of your baby.
Some Self-Care Tips for Your Pregnancy
For your new journey, you need to re-evaluate your self-care plan and add a few extra things:
1. Book an appointment with your OB-GYN
It is most important to have an OB-GYN that you trust fully because they will be the ones to guide you through this process. As soon as you find out about your pregnancy, call to schedule an appointment with them.
2. Stop unhealthy habits
You have to remember that you are not caring for just yourself, but another life as well. Thus, no matter how stressed you may feel, do not indulge in unhealthy coping mechanisms such as smoking or drinking alcohol.
3. Diet
Right now, more than ever, it is time to go for a healthier, well-rounded diet that can keep your body healthy and strong enough throughout your pregnancy. You are still in the early stages, so your doctor will not tell you to heavily increase your diet, yet. Just remember to get all the necessary nutrition and good foods that your body needs right now. Also, do not form any kind of exercise plan without first consulting your doctor when and how it will be safe.
4. Prioritize your comfort
As mentioned before, there is almost no significant change in your belly for you to see while 3 to 4 weeks pregnant, but you may be experiencing bloating, so remember to go for looser comfortable clothes if necessary! Starting taking extra care of yourself from this moment onwards.
5. Practice positive affirmations
It is normal to be stressed, but remember to hold your hand through this process, telling yourself that you are going to have a healthy pregnancy and give birth to a beautiful baby so you can make many warm memories together.
6. Prenatal vitamins
While a healthy diet is a must, consult your doctor about starting a prenatal vitamin with at least 400 mg folic acid in it, because it is known to prevent birth defects and also supplying necessary nutrients, making this process a lot more comfortable for you and your baby.
7. Research and relax
We know that you are itching to get things going and plan everything out, spend the initial weeks reading up on what to expect, deciding how long you want to wait for before informing everyone else and what questions you want to ask during your first prenatal appointment. Don’t go searching about complications and making yourself even more afraid. Instead, surround yourself with things that make you feel pleasant.
Remember to be gentle with yourself, right now, more than you have ever been. You are the only one who is going to know just what you are going through in this whole process. You need your own support, most of all!
Also Read: Guide To Delightful And Healthy Pregnancy